วันจันทร์ที่ 20 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Marketing Greener: How You Can contribute to Planet Preservation When You're Marketing Your enterprise

Recycled Paper Using recycled paper saves trees, energy, water and landfill systems as compared to virgin paper. It protects forests, watershed and ecosystems, and the papers need less leaching than virgin papers so the reduction of toxic chemicals is a plus. From a financial perspective, the costs are minimally more, and if bought in quantity will sacrifice the price premiums. Paper mills are recognizing the need and are contribution more choices, enhancing capability and expanding availability.

Soy Inks Still on the printing subject, printing with soy-based inks is a fairly up-to-date solution to the environmental health and protection concerns of the printing industry. Soy ink is made from soybean oil, which is a renewable, uncostly resource. The colors are vibrant, resistant to rub off, laser-compatible and comparable in price to conventional ink. And, as soybeans are growing they temporarily remove damaging carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, from the atmosphere! Specifying soy inks when printing your marketing pieces is a win-win for everyone.

Laser Printer Price

Fcs Certified The Forest Steward Council (Fcs) assures consumers that paper products, including brochures and printed materials carrying the Fsc symbol, come from forests that are managed to meet the social, economic and ecological needs of present and time to come generations. If your marketing plan calls for printed materials, use a printer who is Fsc certified.

Move to Biodegradable If you're in consumer goods, reconsider creating packaging with "green" materials that are biodegradable, such as environmentally amiable gift bags made from wildgrass, plastics made from soda bottles or tires. The price distinction between materials made of renewable raw materials and appropriate plastic materials has decreased considerably, and more competition entering the shop will sacrifice costs. And while we're on this subject, organize smartly so you can avoid unnecessary packaging.

Green Promotional Products Giving your clients a gift this holiday season? Need a promotional item for a trade show or event? There are clubs that specifically provide eco-friendly gifts (search: pristineplanet) and most reputable promotional clubs have a wide collection of eco-friendly products as well

A Digital Shift Depending on the type of buyer and expectation data you have, you may want to reconsider decreasing your marketing expenditures on printed direct mailings or advertising, and shift those dollars to online marketing or advertising. If you allocated allocation for print-based materials such as a newsletter, you could reach the same audience online though an html email newsletter. Maybe you allocated for a sales promotion via a printed direct marketing campaign? reconsider keyword-buying strategies instead.

Clean up your Database Every year millions of trees are destroyed and gobs of greenhouse gas are emitted into the atmosphere, all in the name of producing, distributing and disposing of direct mail solicitations, many with erroneous information. If you are one of the retailers or clubs that relies on former direct mail, make sure your list is "clean," that you're not mailing double catalogs, you put a note to please recycle, and that you are targeting your audience properly to eliminate waste. Man whose pet passed on 3 years ago has no need for pet insurance!

Networking If networking is part of your marketing strategy to build awareness or to create leads, then reconsider online networking groups. LinkedIn and "Company of Friends" from Fast enterprise are two beloved online groups. You'll save the gas and sacrifice your carbon footprint!

Take a Stance By using green vendors and proclaiming your commitment to doing your part, your collective profile as a enterprise will be elevated. Google "Green Companies, " and add "Please reconsider the environment before printing this email" to your digital correspondence. While some clubs are "going green" because it's fashionable, most recognize that we need to sustain the world colse to us, and are taking action when they shop their products and services. They know that habitancy will do enterprise with responsible businesses.

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